3-4 Hrs | 5-6 days/week

Competitive Programs

RTC’s Competitive Programs start at the STAR 1 level and are designed to provide a pathway for athletes who have a desire to pursue competitive skating. RTC offers “Plus Programs” at every level to provide these athletes with the training time and resources they need to progress through our sport. A 5 or 6 day commitment is recommended for athletes to get the most out of these programs.

Bronze+ & Silver+ Programs

RTC’s Bronze+ & Silver+ Programs are aimed at skaters at the STAR 1 - 5 levels who have a desire to pursue competitive skating. These programs are designed to give the athletes a solid foundation in skating skills, jump technique, fitness, flexibility & dance.

STAR 1-2 - Sign up for our Bronze+ Program

STAR 2 - 5 - Sign up for our Silver+ Program

Gold+ Program

RTC’s Gold+ Program is aimed at skaters competing at the STAR 5, Pre-Juvenile & Juvenile levels. This program is designed to give the athletes everything they need to advance their training as they pursue the Podium Pathway. Multiple freeskate sessions are available each day and classes focus on skating skills, technique, creative movement, fitness, flexibility & dance.

Sign up for our Gold+ Program

Elite+ Program

RTC’s Elite+ Program is designed for skaters competing at the Pre-Novice - Senior level. This program is designed to give athletes everything they need to succeed at the highest level of our sport. RTC’s Elite+ skaters have access to multiple freeskate sessions 6 days/week and classes that provide a focus on enhancing their skating skills, creative movement, jump technique, fitness, flexibility & dance.

Sign up for our Elite+ Program

Discover Your Dance Passion: Classes for Everyone

Our classes are designed to cater to your evolving needs as you progress on your dance journey. Join us and unlock the magic of dance!

"All of the coaches are skillful,
respectful and friendly"
Kelvin, Skater parent
"An amazing place to skate with great skaters and amazing coaches"
LeaH, RTC Skater (5yRs)
"I can't get enough of April Dance Studio! The atmosphere is friendly, and the variety of dance. Recommended!"
Sophia Bennett, customer
"This studio is the real deal. The instructors are patient, and the facilities are top-notch. It's the perfect!"
Mark Sireem, customer
"April Dance Studio has been a game-changer for me. I never thought I'd enjoy dancing this much. It's fun!"
Linda Purch, customer
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